SDBC Club Awards

Our 2023 Cyclist of the Year award winner was Jerry Marino! Use the "History" links below to view winners from previous years.

Annual Awards

Perpetual Awards
Cyclist of the Year Simon Bott-Suzuki History
Teammate of the Year Michael Karres History
Ride Leader of the Year Jordan Becker History
Best All-Around Rider (BAR) Awards
BAR - Men David Morrison History
BAR - Woman Krista Silvers History
BAR - Most Improved Dana Namriev History
BAR - Veteran 35+ Jeff Gracik History
BAR - Master 45+ Karen Messner History
BAR - Master 55+ Michael Morrison History
BAR - Junior (16-18) Eire Chen History
BAR - Junior (13-15) Aine Chen History
BAR - Junior (12 & Under) (No award) History

Lifetime Members

Lifetime Memberships are awarded to members who have gone “above and beyond” with their devotion and dedication to the San Diego Bicycle Club. Their efforts and many years of volunteer service have helped to make SDBC a great organization.

Bob Zunwalt Sr. (Deceased)
Dr. Clifford Graves (Deceased)
Jerry Rimoldi (Deceased 2014)
Audrey McElmury (Deceased 2013)
Ralph Elliott
Hannah North (Deceased 2022)
Bob Bergen
Bob Visser
Bob Richardson
Brian Comer


Mike Conerty
Steve Taylor
Lee Driver
Fred Nicolet
Tom Webb
Linda Webb
Jim Ring
Jim Swigart
Charlie Sykes

“You cannot buy a Lifetime Membership… it’s something that is earned!”
Ralph Elliot
SDBC Lifetime Member


SDBC Club Awards, 2022

2023 Banquet of Champions Award Winners

SDBC Lifetime Member Ralph Elliot

Bob Bergan (2nd from right) at the 2005 USA Cycling Road Masters Nationals